Surviving Stressmas: A Guide to Relaxing During the Holiday Season

Ah, the holiday season. What’s not to love? There’s the food, decorations, music, and special events that make this time of year so magical and wonderful—but it can also be a stressful time. Between all of your obligations, from last-minute shopping to attending holiday parties to simply trying to find some much-needed “me-time” in between it all, it can be difficult to find balance during this chaotic period. So let’s explore how to relax, practice self-care, and enjoy the holidays without feeling overwhelmed.
Know Your Limits and Prioritize Self-Care
If you have too much on your plate, don’t hesitate to say no. Prioritize what is important and take time for yourself; don't feel guilty about taking a few moments out from your busy schedule to just breathe. Maintain a healthy routine: eat well, find time for exercise, get to bed early. If you are constantly running around trying to check off boxes, you won’t be able to enjoy your holiday season as much as you should. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in tasks and to-do lists, but it's equally important to disconnect and take space for yourself, so you don't become overwhelmed and burn out.
Find Ways To De-Stress
Take a few moments each day for yourself. Find something that brings you joy and makes you feel good—whether that’s yoga, reading, or just listening to your favorite music—and make sure you pencil it into your schedule every day. One way is to take deep breaths when stress starts building up inside of you - this helps get oxygen flowing throughout your body which can help reduce stress levels quickly! Another way is journaling - writing down what’s on your mind can help clear away any anxious thoughts or worries so they don't build up over time. Lastly, try listening to calming music - music has been shown to have a positive effect on our moods and help us relax after a long day. Taking a few minutes out of each day will give you a chance to catch your breath and relax before diving back into the craziness of the season.
Surround Yourself With Positive People
We all know that the holidays can be especially draining, especially when you're hosting events and expectations run high, so it is important to surround yourself with positive people who will support you and lift you up. Spending quality time with friends and family can help reduce stress levels, especially if they’re uplifting and supportive. And let’s be real, we all have a toxic relative or two that we may have to deal with at an annual holiday party, but filling the rest of our time with supportive & loving people will give us enough of healthy buffer to handle them! And don’t forget about your furry friends either; cuddling up with your pet can also have a calming effect on anxiety levels.
Let It Go (or at least try!)
It is easy to get caught up in the stress of the holidays but remember that things will always work out in the end—even if they don't go according to plan or look like what we had hoped they would look like at first glance! If something goes wrong or if someone doesn't show up at an event as expected - simply let it go. Worrying only adds more stress which will ultimately ruin not only your holiday experience but also those around you who may be relying on your positive energy! Keep things simple and focus on what matters most – family, friends, the things and people you love.